On Our Radar // 03.26

On Our Radar.

Happy Sunday! After a long travel day on Friday (I swear, this was the trip of flight delays!), I made it back to San Francisco in the evening and thanks to some serious sleep and a nice deep clean of the apartment yesterday, I’m officially feeling settled back in at home. It was SO great to see so many Chicago friends (Danielle, Alaina, Jess, Kelly, LaurenMaya, Jess, Emily… I’m lookin’ at you ladies to name a few) but man, the trip was a bit exhausting. Travel always tends to throw off your flow just enough, you know?

Anyway, enough rambling from me – here are a few things that have caught our eye this week for your weekend enjoyment (best read with a cup of coffee in-hand!):

And recent posts around here in case you’ve missed ’em: